
Join with us in celebrating some of the awards and achievements attained by the school or by our students. 

Forest Schools at Baskerville School

Financial Management Standard in Schools

Baskerville School has successfully achieved FMSiS which is a mandatory requirement to provide assurance to the Department for Education, HM Treasury, National Audit Office and Local Authorities that our school has adequate arrangements in place to manage our resources effectively.

This is a benchmark which encourages self improvement and helps school leaders and the Governing Body to better understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to effective financial management and how decisions on expenditure are linked to educational priorities. It also means that the school makes best use of resources to ensure that children's outcomes can be maximised.

Healthy Schools

Baskerville School has met the standards and has achieved the Healthy Schools Award.

A school which gains the Birmingham Healthy School Standard will be recognised throughout the country as one which meets the agreed national standards and, has demonstrated its commitment to pupil welfare and well-being.

We are proud of this achievement and being healthy is now entrenched in all aspects of school and residential. Healthy eating is encouraged and we have seen a positive impact of this on behaviour. We are seeing students eating a varied and healthy diet and now only drinking water, fruit juice and milk.

Students cook and serve healthy refreshments through an Enterprise initiative in the summer term. They call themselves 'Dude Love Café'.

Physical well being is promoted and we have expanded the choice of physical activities both within the curriculum and in leisure time. The students have also participated in a many external events organised for a whole range of schools.